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Alternativas a la gestión del estado de la aplicación
Diferencia entre IPC e IGC y cómo afecta a la revisión de precios de alquiler mientras la excepción legal aprobada para marzo-junio de 2022 esté vigente (ya que es temporal, y eso significa que posiblemente se quede ahí para siempre).
Provocador ensayo sobre la influencia de la educación en la mejora relativa de los niños. Al final termina defendiendo una redistribución fuerte vía impuestos, que teniendo como referencia EEUU no sé bien cómo interpretar.
Hilo con enlace a una galería de IMGUR.
Aplicación para hacer backup de datos que están en una nube y llevártelos a otra de forma rápida.
El tier gratuito es más que suficiente para uso personal.
Libro sobre data science consultable y legible en la web
La crisis no es ecológica ni económica, es espiritual.
Halcyon (Alcyone in Greek) was the daughter of Aeolus, the God of the Winds. Halcyon was married to the mortal king Ceyx and they lived by the sea. Ceyx drowned in a huge storm despite the warnings of Halcyon. Poseidon (the God of the Sea) brought his body to his wife’s arms. Halcyon was desperate and threw herself into the dark waves.
Amazed by her love and devotion, the gods decided to save her and to transform her into a seabird. They also turned Ceyx into another kingfisher so the two could live and be together. Halcyon would lay her eggs only in winter. Having her nest near the shore, close by the spot where she found the body of Ceyx, the stormy waves kept sweeping away her eggs. Therefore Zeus decided to give her some days of good and calm weather in the middle of winter: so these are the Halcyon days
As the slavish recreation of the first Star Wars aesthetic made clear, Rogue One was intentionally rooted in fan service and an overwhelming nostalgia for the original trilogy. Worse yet, the downbeat tone of the movie speaks to the same “grim and gritty” attitude that saw multiple comic book heroes placed in “realistic,” depressing storylines in the wake of the success of Watchmen and Batman: The Dark Knight Returns in the mid-1980s.
It was a time when audiences and creators alike attempted to justify their nostalgia by trying to inject the genre with weight and complex morality it was never intended to withstand. It was, very clearly, a movie made by and for fans who’d grown up with the first three films.
The average American household accesses eight streaming and video-on-demand services in a given week